
>Keep Digging

In Crock Pot | Crocodile | Crock of on July 21, 2009 at 7:19 pm

>”What kills a company is not competition but arrogance.”
– Eric Schmidt, CEO Google

Since it’s already been shown that, “There is no way to switch your user interface back to the user interface used in pre-2010 Revit products” is complete bollocks – perhaps someone can amend the Service & Support response?

Link for feedback here.

I think we’re going to need at least one more feedback bubble. 😉

Update: Pulled. Cached. Revised.

  1. >Difficult to understand.or possibly:Did not resolve my issue.

  2. >Im not sure why they would bother to amend the Document. Theyre basically saying *there is no supported way.* Its like if you ask if you can UNWorkset a project, or Export all families from a project at once.Are there ways to do it? Yes. Are there Autodesk supported ways? No. So the official answer is "Once a project is worksetted, it cant go back…" but its not entirely true…

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