
Archive for February, 2011|Monthly archive page

>She’s Not Evil

In Springfield | Bikini Bottom | Portlandia | South Park | Southpark on February 23, 2011 at 4:21 pm

>So I’m trying to install Revit on a new Parallels VM but the dang thing won’t recognize the DVD player on OSX. And I really need this install domino to tip over in order to allow a lot of other amazing and really cool stuff to happen.

Meanwhile, we’re having some landscaping done in the back yard. This involves bringing in some dirt, some rocks and a bobcat (the mechanical kind, smart-tard).

But moving of said dirt has thus caused there to be dust (we’ve not had rain in Charlotte for a few weeks). So this afternoon our neighbor…okay…the person that lives next to us…shows up at the front door to inform me that her house and car are “ruined” and demanding, “Who’s going to take care of it? Who’s going to pay for all of this!? Why should I pay for this!? I used to have really nice windows but now they’re all ruined!”

I willingly admit, at this point there was a lot of parametric and bi-directional yelling.

But for the record, I did not say she was **evil**.

>More LEED

In green ($) is the new green on February 21, 2011 at 3:04 pm


So, big round of applause goes out to my contractor, Jamie Jefferies for all of his help and hardwork helping me do the LEED-thing. He’s a hell of a guy. It was an exploration for the both of us to do on a residence. As a ‘thank you’ (besides the bottle of scotch) he’d asked for a plaque to commemorate the event. So, dutifully, now that I’ve got my colors, a whole new opportunity for consumerism has opened it’s doors to me. It’s what I imagine it’s like being in fraternity. Now that you’re in, you get the unique privilege to buy all of the swag they offer only to club members.

Personally, I thought it would be pretty reasonable but I honestly have to say, after shopping at the ‘store’ most of the stuff is $500-$1000 or more. That flag up there? $940. Yowch!

>Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?

In Steve Jobs | Carol Bartz | President Obama on February 18, 2011 at 1:03 pm

>Yeah yeah…Steve Jobs.

But on closer inspection (look directly above Steve):

That’s Carol Bartz (CEO of Yahoo; formerly CEO of Autodesk).

If I’m not mistaken she’s chatting with Steve in this image. Can’t help but wonder if they mentioned AutoCAD on the Mac. 🙂 As much as I love Revit, I’m blown away by this recent effort of Autodesk. Apple has come a long way since R12 AutoCAD (the last native release available for the Mac). Seems both Autodesk and Apple are playing well to each others strengths.

Images courtesy of the White House Flickr stream:

>Friday Reprieve #31

In apple and water. need them both. on February 18, 2011 at 6:39 am

>Sometime in the last 5-8 years, my generation (GenX) went from being the group who drew toilet details to the group who became the managers of our demographic. Somehow in that switch that sassy / tongue-in-cheek sense of humor began to show through in everything from magazine ads to television shows to, well, internet humor.

Today, I present you Apple H2O.I always love a good apple spoof. And I especially always love anything from someecards. make sure to click the image so you can read the text in all it’s glory.

>Congrats!! On….something……

In LEED for Homes | get it right eventually on February 15, 2011 at 10:47 pm


honestly, I think this image says it all. I spent the last two years, almost to the day chasing this dream and I’ve finally achieved it and I feel somehow empty. My home is officially LEED Silver. First house in Kansas City, MO at 1236 sq ft. I received this illustrious award in the form of an email which also notified me that for an additional fee, I could purchase a lexan plaque to commemorate the event. Know anything about lexan? It’s a petroleum product. Kinda defeats the purpose. Would I recommend it to a client? No way. Not unless it was something they felt strongly in getting. Would I still design sustainably? Absolutely. It’s about making smart decisions, it’s not about the USGBC.

But if your glass is 1/2 full, my home uses 1/2 the energy of a regular Missouri home, 1/2 the water, has flooring that dates to 1890, and, well, it’s home.

>Last Call for Covers

In Uncategorized on February 13, 2011 at 2:52 pm

>No…not music covers. Book covers, silly.

One down and one to go. We’ve already selected the cover art for Revit Essentials. More to follow about that cover but it’s really fantastic and yet again not from a firm in the US (last years cover hailed from Australia).

The deadline to targeting Mastering Revit is quickly approaching. In other words – we’ll probably have to decide by the end of this week! So if you’d like to have your Revit efforts considered for the cover of Mastering Revit please email your submissions to Once again, there are two really important points:

  1. Don’t send high-res images suitable for publication (yet). Just send medium-res PNGs and JPGs for review (and ppplease don’t email bandwidth choking BMP files).
  2. If accepted, you (or someone with the appropriate authority) will need to sign a waver allowing the image to be published. Then we’ll resolve where to send/upload the high-res image.

But speaking of music covers, the Flat Tires, only play an occasional cover. And speaking of the Flat Tires (couldn’t resist) they’re playing next Saturday (2/19) less than an hour from Chicago. And since you’ve finally recovered your car from the city’s storage yard after wisely abandoning it along Lake Shore Drive during the recent freak snowstorm – you can drive! 🙂

The occasion is Ruff House Tattoos 11th Annual Art Show and Party. Think you’ve got artistic skills? We’ll – it’s one thing to casually sketch out an idea on a piece of trace paper and another thing entirely to believe you’ve got what it takes to permanently ink another human being. You’ll wonder how you were ever considered a candidate for a degree in architecture after checking out some of the talented work by the owner and staff of Ruff House Tattoos. Their Annual Party and Art Show is rumored quite legendary and not to be missed.

So head on over to The Modern Post in Schererville, Indiana next Saturday. The address and other details are below via Facebook link. The first person to take a photo of themselves with front man Clint Harrison and email it to me (he doesn’t usually bite and anyway he’s up to date on his shots) get’s a complimentary copy of either Mastering Revit or Revit Essentials – up to you!

Want to win both books? Bonus points if you’re the first person to send me a picture of yourself, Clint and Mark Schmieding. Long story! 🙂