
Archive for the ‘Springfield | Bikini Bottom | Portlandia | South Park | Southpark’ Category

>She’s Not Evil

In Springfield | Bikini Bottom | Portlandia | South Park | Southpark on February 23, 2011 at 4:21 pm

>So I’m trying to install Revit on a new Parallels VM but the dang thing won’t recognize the DVD player on OSX. And I really need this install domino to tip over in order to allow a lot of other amazing and really cool stuff to happen.

Meanwhile, we’re having some landscaping done in the back yard. This involves bringing in some dirt, some rocks and a bobcat (the mechanical kind, smart-tard).

But moving of said dirt has thus caused there to be dust (we’ve not had rain in Charlotte for a few weeks). So this afternoon our neighbor…okay…the person that lives next to us…shows up at the front door to inform me that her house and car are “ruined” and demanding, “Who’s going to take care of it? Who’s going to pay for all of this!? Why should I pay for this!? I used to have really nice windows but now they’re all ruined!”

I willingly admit, at this point there was a lot of parametric and bi-directional yelling.

But for the record, I did not say she was **evil**.