
Archive for September, 2009|Monthly archive page

>Gentleman, We Have A Winner

In Use2009UI=1 | Use2009(A)U(G)I=1 | UseAUGI=1 on September 30, 2009 at 5:55 pm

Please donate my AU2009 Pass to Guy Robinson.

Gentleman, We Have A Winner

In Use2009UI=1 | Use2009(A)U(G)I=1 | UseAUGI=1 on September 30, 2009 at 5:55 pm

Please donate my AU2009 Pass to Guy Robinson.

>Local Lore

In missing chicken on September 28, 2009 at 9:02 pm

>I live in a part of Kansas City know for it’s mix of modern architecture, historic Kansas City fabric, and mostly hispanic population. Aside from some freakin’ awesome food, sometimes universes collide…

Update: The urban chicken movement (fad) is hot in Kansas City. Been going on in the Westside though for a long time.

Local Lore

In missing chicken on September 28, 2009 at 9:02 pm

I live in a part of Kansas City know for it’s mix of modern architecture, historic Kansas City fabric, and mostly hispanic population. Aside from some freakin’ awesome food, sometimes universes collide…

Update: The urban chicken movement (fad) is hot in Kansas City. Been going on in the Westside though for a long time.

>It’s 9-11 All Over Again

In Kyle | Kenny | Stan | Cartman | Butters on September 25, 2009 at 5:11 am


Mystery of the Urinal Deuce
Original Air Date: 10.11.06
The world’s biggest conspiracy of all time is finally uncovered when Eric Cartman exposes the true culprit behind the September 11th attacks. Kyle and Stan come face-to-face with the masterminds who pulled of the most elaborate, intricate and flawlessly executed operation in American history.

Season 10. Episode 6. Link here. Or click the image above. Or bittorrent. Or better yet, just buy the DVD’s. The director’s commentary alone is worth it.

Please (really, please) somebody needs to take all the seasons of South Park thus far – along with “Bigger, Longer and Uncut” (and while you’re at it “Team America: World Police”) and put them alongside the plant specimens in the recently completed UN sponsored Svalbard Global Seed Vault in Arctic.

Hopefully in one-thousand years people won’t think this part of history was only full of exploitative talk shows and *reality* TV jackasses.

And if you’ve never seen “Your Studio and You” (comedic homage 1950s-ish educational films commissioned when Seagrams bought Universal Studios) ch-ch-check it out. Link here and wiki here. (NSFW). This was Parker and Stone’s first “real” gig in Hollywood and contains some fantastic cameos.

It’s 9-11 All Over Again

In Kyle | Kenny | Stan | Cartman | Butters on September 25, 2009 at 5:11 am

Mystery of the Urinal Deuce
Original Air Date: 10.11.06
The world’s biggest conspiracy of all time is finally uncovered when Eric Cartman exposes the true culprit behind the September 11th attacks. Kyle and Stan come face-to-face with the masterminds who pulled of the most elaborate, intricate and flawlessly executed operation in American history.

Season 10. Episode 6. Link here. Or click the image above. Or bittorrent. Or better yet, just buy the DVD’s. The director’s commentary alone is worth it.

Please (really, please) somebody needs to take all the seasons of South Park thus far – along with “Bigger, Longer and Uncut” (and while you’re at it “Team America: World Police”) and put them alongside the plant specimens in the recently completed UN sponsored Svalbard Global Seed Vault in Arctic.

Hopefully in one-thousand years people won’t think this part of history was only full of exploitative talk shows and *reality* TV jackasses.

And if you’ve never seen “Your Studio and You” (comedic homage 1950s-ish educational films commissioned when Seagrams bought Universal Studios) ch-ch-check it out. Link here and wiki here. (NSFW). This was Parker and Stone’s first “real” gig in Hollywood and contains some fantastic cameos.

>Shameless Self Promotion

In Green BIM | sustainability | Revit without limits on September 23, 2009 at 2:10 pm

>So about 18 months ago, Brad Nies and I wrote a book called Green BIM which discussed how to use Revit to maximize sustainable design. We went into detail on energy, water, LEED, etc. Well, come to find out the book is being translated to Korean.

Maybe I can be the Hoff of Korea. I can’t sing though to save my life.

Shameless Self Promotion

In Green BIM | sustainability | Revit without limits on September 23, 2009 at 2:10 pm

So about 18 months ago, Brad Nies and I wrote a book called Green BIM which discussed how to use Revit to maximize sustainable design. We went into detail on energy, water, LEED, etc. Well, come to find out the book is being translated to Korean.

Maybe I can be the Hoff of Korea. I can’t sing though to save my life.

>ug, more LEED

In LEED for Homes | get it right eventually on September 22, 2009 at 8:01 am

>If the USGBC really means to push sustainability and wants to support innovation, could they not increase their threshold and award points for BIM? You can save time and resources communicating via model sharing and they could require model submissions to validate those points (and many others).

So far in the documentation process, I’ve dropped from Gold to Silver. Not because the design is not up to par, but largely due to imprecise documentation at the time of construction or the lack of clarity on the part of the LEED for Homes docs. (for what and how to document).
If it were a commercial building project, I could see where it’s my own fault (architect) for not being more diligent in my documentation process. However, this is residential and the residential building process is a very different animal.

How does creating a workflow help the home owner become more sustainable and how does that help green the planet?

ug, more LEED

In LEED for Homes | get it right eventually on September 22, 2009 at 8:01 am

If the USGBC really means to push sustainability and wants to support innovation, could they not increase their threshold and award points for BIM? You can save time and resources communicating via model sharing and they could require model submissions to validate those points (and many others).

So far in the documentation process, I’ve dropped from Gold to Silver. Not because the design is not up to par, but largely due to imprecise documentation at the time of construction or the lack of clarity on the part of the LEED for Homes docs. (for what and how to document).
If it were a commercial building project, I could see where it’s my own fault (architect) for not being more diligent in my documentation process. However, this is residential and the residential building process is a very different animal.

How does creating a workflow help the home owner become more sustainable and how does that help green the planet?