
Archive for the ‘missing chicken’ Category

Local Lore

In missing chicken on September 28, 2009 at 9:02 pm

I live in a part of Kansas City know for it’s mix of modern architecture, historic Kansas City fabric, and mostly hispanic population. Aside from some freakin’ awesome food, sometimes universes collide…

Update: The urban chicken movement (fad) is hot in Kansas City. Been going on in the Westside though for a long time.

>Local Lore

In missing chicken on September 28, 2009 at 9:02 pm

>I live in a part of Kansas City know for it’s mix of modern architecture, historic Kansas City fabric, and mostly hispanic population. Aside from some freakin’ awesome food, sometimes universes collide…

Update: The urban chicken movement (fad) is hot in Kansas City. Been going on in the Westside though for a long time.