
>Some Happy

In John Bobbitt | Thanksgiving cakes on October 27, 2009 at 9:50 pm

>Today has not been a good day. Sometimes I need a pick-me-up. Help me help you to help me. For that, I share a story:

I was at a baby shower for a friend the other day. He was telling me that he’s been trying to come up with crazy ideas and then trying to Google them to see if they exist. So far, they all have. The one he was telling me about was a helmet that you would wear to bed and it would block out sound. Apparently they sell one online…..

The internet is a strange and wonderful place. A place where you can find so many, many things. Like a site devoted to professional cakes gone wrong. It’s a bit like cloud busting. Someone can look and see a turkey………..


  1. >LOL Thanks for the pick me up!!

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