
Archive for the ‘AU | Christmas presents | Pole dancing barbie’ Category

>’Tis the season

In AU | Christmas presents | Pole dancing barbie on December 5, 2009 at 11:49 pm

>Welcome back from AU. Upon my return to KC, the temperature dropped about 40 degrees and after looking at my calendar, I noticed it is apparently December. That means Christmas is just around the corner. Only 20 shopping days remaining! As I try to figure out what to get this season for my 10 and 13 year old girls, I happened upon a website that has nothing to do with BIM, sustainability, my growing hate of the LEED process, or anything involving ribbons. It’s all about Christmas. Or, more specifically, what NOT to buy for Christmas for your kids. Seriously. Check it. It’s good for a good smile, good to be offended as a parent, and good to know the toy companies are out there with your kid’s best interests at heart. Here a teaser:

The fish fillet game.

Seriously, how can you go wrong??? PS. Make sure to click through enough to get to the Elmo doll that makes death threats when you replace it’s batteries.

And to the 75-100 of you who joined us at the MiX on the 64th floor of the Mandalay Bay, wearing your T-shirts, a heart-felt THANK YOU. It was a space with a killer view and a rockin’ good time. Maybe we can make this an annual event. We’ll have to see what happens to the ribbon in 2011. 🙂

Remember, what happens in Vegas gets posted on YouTube.