
Archive for the ‘Collins | Spector | Lesh’ Category

>Punxsutawney Phil

In Collins | Spector | Lesh on August 28, 2009 at 5:39 am

>I think I’ve finally figured out how this works (link here). Every February 2nd, he leaves his office to look at the AUGI Wish List. But what happens if he see his shadow? Six more years of no site tools:

“It’s not just a question of making a list of everything everybody’s asking for and the prioritizing it and sticking it in the software.”

Well, obviously. But there’s a catch. If you’re not careful you end up creating answers to questions no one’s asking, or likely to ask, or need answered, or specifically don’t want answered, or will even go as far as spend significant amounts of personal, free time trying to undo an untimely, ill-considered answer.

I’m still not sure if he’s going for irony or just stating the obvious or being obviously ironic. I’ll guess just obvious, no irony yeah yeah I get it nudge nudge wink wink intended.

Plenty-o-space in the Comments section for additional favorite quotes and well considered responses (limited to one favorite quote per person while supplies last other conditions may apply see store for details).

2011 Alphas out? Planning beyond 2012 underway? Can’t help but wonder what next February 2nd will bring…