
Archive for the ‘Kansas City | Botched Murder for Hire | Getting What You Pay For’ Category

>Krazy Kansas: Season 1 Episode 1

In Kansas City | Botched Murder for Hire | Getting What You Pay For on November 4, 2010 at 6:27 am

>You know the other day how I mentioned that in contrast my public education, which led me to conclude the Civil War started in South Carolina, it actually started in the middle of the US? Something about the border strife between KC and MO? Seriously. Maybe Eddy can explain it all at AU. It would make a great Unconference.

In the meantime, read up on William Quantrill.

The Devil Knows How to Ride is another great start (via Amazon).

What’s the point? I keep coming across crazy stories about Kansas City. I should have begun collecting them years ago after meeting Eddy Krygiel (formerly of BNIM) and Dave Willard (formerly 360 Architects via CDFM2). But I just kept putting it off.

Not anymore. Not after today. This guy’s story was just too good to not pass along.

Basically it’s a botched murder for hire. And the hit has the presence of mind to give one of the best interviews ever, including criticizing his ex-wife’s decision to pay too little to get the job done.

The part that insulted me the most is that she was going to pay the hit man so little money.

In his words, “You get what you pay for.”
Eddy? Dave? – no offense intended. If you feel driven to post “Crazy Charlotte” stories I suppose all’s fair in Love, War and Blogs.

So this is the beginning of an ongoing series. I’ll post them as I find them. Shouldn’t be too long.

And someone please tell Ron I said “Hi”.