
Archive for the ‘Revit | BIM | AU2010’ Category

>Speaking of AU…

In Revit | BIM | AU2010 on November 18, 2010 at 4:31 pm

This is a railing. Native Revit. No – I won’t tell you how to make this unless you come to the session at AO 2010:

AB427-3: Into the Void: The Zen of Creating Complex Sculptural Form with Autodesk® Revit®”.

If you can’t make it in person (cough…Guy…ack…Robinson…sputter) it’ll be recorded as a Virtual Session.

It’s a 2 hour class. The only one I’ll be teaching. It’ll take less than 10 minutes to show you how to create the above railing. I suppose you could leave immediately afterward. But there’s other cool stuff that you’d miss.

Embrace the Void. 🙂

The rest of the time I’ve been contracted by our publisher Sybex to keep Eddy and James sober.